Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Everything Is Permanent In This Day And Age"

Apparently, if I'm planning on becoming a politician in 20 years time, which I'm fairly sure I'm not, then I should bear in mind that whatever I write down here could come back to haunt me, could be used against me in the tabloids to scupper any hopes I may have in a high profile electoral battle. This is the sage advice I have just been offered prior to my first post. That and, "Rule number 2, don't write anything about me."

Incidentally, the word "Scupper", according to the American Heritage Dictionary is, "Chiefly British". An interesting fact that. Feel free to use it.

1 comment:

Mahoney said...

In line with this posting, I thought I'd share this little gem of an article about John McCain.

My particular favourite is his response to his wife when she playfully mocked him.